Coming up soon! -- so far I can reveal these production photos of one of the possible designs. It comes with a two-ring handlebar mount, the burner itself with built-in clicky switch, wire, and a battery pack. The input voltage may range widely - you can feed this light with just 4 rechargeable AA (possibly AAA) Ni-MH cells (4.8 V), up to a maximum of 8.4 V, which allows the use of two Li-Ion cells, such as those used in the 900-lumen bike light. The voltage is downsampled digitally by a built-in regulated circuit to ca. 3.7 V, something the LED itself needs. There is a possibility to feed LED directly, but that is not recommended unless you know what you are doing. Please enjoy those few pictures I have right now. I will do my best to post more when I can! |